DESTINI Annual Report 2020

Denominated in USD EUR GBP RMB AED MYR AUD RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Group 2020 Trade receivables 2,809,385 51,565 479,094 244,037 1,899,911 6,678 326,358 Trade and other payables (1,932,593) (50,048) (435,331) (3,636,461) (756,460) (1,159,075) (30,414) 2019 Trade receivables 7,509,940 - - - 11,999,669 - - Cash and bank balances 70,604 - - - 460,970 - - Trade and other payables (1,004,257) - - - (2,233,254) - - 38. Financial Instruments (Cont’d) (c) Financial risk management objectives and policies (Cont’d) (iii) Market risks (Cont’d) (a) Foreign currency risk (Cont’d) Exposure to foreign currency risk (Cont’d) The carrying amounts of the Group’s foreign currency denominated financial assets and financial liabilities which have SGD functional currency at the end of the reporting period are as follows: (Cont’d) ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DESTINI BERHAD Notes to Financial Statements 187