DESTINI Annual Report 2020

6. Investment in Subsidiaries (Cont’d) (a) Material partly-owned subsidiaries (Cont’d) Summarised financial information for the subsidiaries that have non-controlling interest that are material to the group is set out below. The summarised financial information below represents amounts before inter-company eliminations: (Cont’d). THHE Destini Sdn. Bhd. TF Corp Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd. Destini Marine Safety Solutions Ltd 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 RM RM RM RM RM RM Summarised statements of financial position Non-current assets 34,239 39,249 308,180 358,636 107,491 177,373 Current assets 41,610,067 659,418 760,351 898,876 2,107,274 2,272,329 Non-current liabilities - - - - (2,141,233) (2,026,352) Current liabilities (41,067,039) (461,155) (1,256,357) (1,016,229) (3,169,692) (4,451,321) Net assets/(liabilities) 577,267 237,512 (187,826) 241,283 (3,096,160) (4,027,971) Summarised statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income Revenue 93,113,835 86,441,250 - - 6,227,742 6,896,991 Net (loss)/profit for the financial year 339,755 (388,192) (442,843) (363,779) 1,185,870 (1,095,637) Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the financial year 339,755 (388,192) (429,617) (367,092) 1,015,072 (1,028,323) ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DESTINI BERHAD Notes to Financial Statements 139