DESTINI Annual Report 2020

6. Investment in Subsidiaries (Cont’d) (a) Material partly-owned subsidiaries (Cont’d) Summarised financial information for the subsidiaries that have non-controlling interest that are material to the group is set out below. The summarised financial information below represents amounts before inter-company eliminations: (Cont’d) Detrac Sdn. Bhd. Halaman Optima Sdn. Bhd. Safeair Technical Sdn. Bhd. AMS Marine Pte. Ltd. 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Summarised statements of cash flows Net cash from/(used in) operating activities (483,960) (1,474,212) 37,010,819 3,327,458 (873,057) 203,647 649,492 3,345,339 Net cash from/(used in) investing activities 3,284 610,235 - - (17,056) 1,498,820 (279,209) 11,067,573 Net cash from/(used in) financing activities 458,748 693,450 (33,462,351) (3,339,933) 873,612 (2,185,580) (451,103) 1,486,403 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (21,928) (170,527) 3,548,468 (12,475) (16,501) (483,113) (80,820) 15,899,315 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 DESTINI BERHAD Notes to Financial Statements 138