Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2019

and balance and reasonable assurance on the adequacy of the Fund’s internal controls. Access to Information and Advice Prior to each board meeting, the Board Report will be circulated to all Directors so that each Director has ample time to peruse and review them for further deliberation at the Board meeting. The Board Report includes among others, the following details:- • Minutes of meeting of all Committees of the Board • Any matters arising from previous meetings • Business strategies and corporate proposals • Review of operational matters and financial report of the Group • Progress report on riskmanagement • Executive Committee and Audit Committee report The Board is fully aware of its duties and responsibilities with regards to the above and decisions and deliberation at the Board meetings are recorded and minuted by the Company Secretary. Company Secretary The Manager’s Joint Company Secretary attend all Board meetings and, together with the Directors are responsible for the proper conduct of the meetings according to applicable rules and regulations. The Company Secretary regularly updated the Board on new regulations and directives issued by regulatory authorities. 1.2 Board Composition Board composition influences the ability of the board to fulfil its oversight responsibilities. An effective board should include the right group of people with an appropriate mix of skills, knowledge, experience and independent elements that fit the objectives and strategic goals. The right board composition will ensure sufficient diversity and independence to avert groupthink or blind spots in the decision-making processes. It also enables the board to be better equipped to respond to challenges that may arise and deliver value. The composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:- a. 1 Independent Non-Executive Chairman b. 3 Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors c. 3 Independent Non-Executive Directors d. 1 Non-Independent Executive Director During the year ended 31 December 2019, the Board members convened 5 meetings and all Directors have complied with the minimum 50% attendance as required by Para 15.05 of the Listing Requirements. The members of the Board and their attendances at Board meetings in 2019 are set out below:- 51st BOD Special BOD 52nd BOD 53rd BOD 54th BOD Special BOD 20.02.2019 17.04.2019 29.05.2019 30.08.2019 20.11.2019 13.12.2019 Dato’ Kamaruzzaman bin Abu Kassim (resigned w.e.f 20 January 2020) / / / / / X Wan Azman bin Ismail / / / / / / Zainah binti Mustafa / / X / / / Dr. Hafetz bin Ahmad / / / / / / Dato’ Dr. Rahah Binti Ismail / / / / / / Lukman bin Abu Bakar (resigned w.e.f 14 February 2020) / / / / / / Yusaini bin Hj. Sidek / / / / / / Dato’ Amiruddin bin Abdul Satar / / / / / / Mohd Yusof bin Ahmad / / / / / / Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT 05 ESSENCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 87