Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2019

8.3 Related Party Transactions In dealing with any related party transaction, such transactions carried out by or on behalf of Al-`Aqar shall be conducted as follows:- a. Carried out in full compliance with the Listed REIT Guidelines and the Trust Deed; b. Carried out at arm’s length basis; c. In the best interest of unitholders; d. Adequatelydisclosed tounitholders; e. Consented by the Trustee; and f. Consistent with the investment objectives and strategies of Al- `Aqar. All related party transactions are subject to review by the Audit Committee prior to recommendation to the Board. If a member of the Audit Committee has an interest in a transaction, he is to abstain from participating in the review and recommendation process in relation to that transaction. 8.4 Internal Audit The Internal Audit function is outsourced to and undertaken by Crowe Governance Sdn Bhd. However, the primary obligation, accountability and responsibility with regards to the scope of internal audit services shall remain with the Board and the Manager at all times. 9. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) The Board regards theAGMas an important event in the corporate calendar of which all Directors and key personnel should attend. The Board regards the AGM as the principal forum for dialogue with unitholders and aims to ensure that the AGM provides an important opportunity for effective communication with, and constructive feedback from the unitholders. The Chairman encourages active participation by the unitholders during the AGM. The Chairman andwhere appropriate, the Chief Executive Officer responds to unitholders’ queries during the AGM. 10. COMMUNICATIONANDINVESTORRELATIONS The Board values constant dialogue and is committed to clear communication with unitholders and investors. In this respect, as part of Al-`Aqar’s active investor relations programme, discussions and dialogues are held with fund managers, financial analysts, unitholders and the media to convey information about Al-`Aqar’s performance, corporate strategy and other matters affecting unitholders’ interests. TheManager communicates informationon Al-`Aqar to unitholders and the investing community through announcements that are released to Bursa Securities via Bursa LINK. Such announcements include the quarterly results, material transactions and other developments relating to Al- `Aqar requiring disclosure under the Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities. Communication channels with unitholders are also made accessible via:- • Press and analysts’ briefings • One-on-one/groupmeetings, conference calls, investor luncheons, domestic/ overseas roadshows and conferences • Annual Reports • Press releases on major developments of Al-`Aqar. • Al-`Aqar’s website at With the majority of units in Al-`Aqar held by institutional investors, the Manager considers meetings with local and foreign fund managers as an integral part of investor relations. These meetings and roadshows with investors enabled the Manager to update potential and current unitholders on Al-`Aqar’s significant developments and its medium to long term strategies. In addition to ensuring that the published Annual Report and quarterly results announced to Bursa Securities are available to all unitholders, Al-`Aqar has established a website at from which investors and unitholders can access for information. While the Manager endeavours to provide as much information as possible to unitholders and stakeholders, it is mindful of the legal and regulatory framework governing the release of material and price-sensitive information. Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT 05 ESSENCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 83