Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2019

The CEO, management team, executives of business unit and service providers will be explicitly accountable for achieving sustainability goals. Ensure that suppliers meet the social and economic standards set by the Company; whilst ensuring that at least 75% are local companies. Disclosure of sustainability risks, opportunities, performance, goals and strategies helps build constructive relationships with key stakeholders, opens up new business opportunities, and enhance a company’s social license to operate. The Fund will innovate its services to enhance tenants' satisfaction and in building collaborative business relationships. The Fund Manager and core service providers will foster a diverse, inclusive and engaged work environment that holds sustainability considerations as a core part of recruitment, training and benefits. Sustainability performance results will be a core component of compensation packages and incentives plans for all executives and employees across gender. Management Accountability Supply Chain Disclosures Business Model Innovation Employees Executive & Employment Compensation CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ECONOMIC SOCIAL Enhancing Board / management accountability through transparency business decisions and compliance to The Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance 2017 (MCCG 2017) and financial / non-financial disclosures Strengthening income streams from all our properties to ensure optimum returns to unitholders/stakeholders Diversity in gender ratio and ensuring equality in compensation package across genders Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT 04 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 71