Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2019

JETA GARDENS AGED CARE AND RETIREMENT VILLAGE Location Jeta Gardens, Aged Care and Retirement Village, 27 Clarendon Avenue, Bethania and 86 Albelt Street, Waterford, Queensland, 4205 Australia Lessee/Asset Operator Jeta Gardens (QLD) Pty. Ltd. Description An integrated aged care and retirement village consists of 2-storey aged care building comprising 106 rooms (108 – beds) with aged care facilities, 23 units of independent living villas, 32 units of independent living apartments and additional developable land Registered Proprietor Al-`Aqar Australia Pty. Ltd. Land Area 1,287,143.09 sq.ft. Gross Floor Area 123,257 sq.ft. Tenancy/Lease Expiry & Renewal Expiry on 1 November 2020 and renewal on 2 November 2020 Title Lots 2, 3 and 4 held under Title References 50855908, 50855909 and 50855910 respectively, all within Parish of Moffatt, Country of Ward, Local Government of Logan Encumbrances Free from any mortgage but subject to subleases and easements 03 STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE 68