Al-`Aqar Healthcare REIT Annual Report 2019

MUHAMMAD IKHWAN BIN MUHAMMAD HANAPI SAHRIN BIN MUNIR Malaysian, Male, Aged 34 Malaysian, Male, Aged 38 Muhammad Ikhwan bin Muhammad Hanapi is currently the Head of Finance of the Manager. He is primarily in charge of the accounting and financial matters of the Manager. He started his career as an Audit Assistant with KPMG Desa Megat & Co. in February 2008 and advanced to Assistant Manager position within 3 years with the Firm. He has audit experience from various industries which includes oil & gas trading, railway transportation, plantations, manufacturing, services and trading. He joined the Manager in October 2011 as an Accountant and was promoted to Senior Accountant on 1 January 2016. He is currently a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountant (MIA) and a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). He does not hold directorships in any public companies in Malaysia. He does not have any family relationship with any Directors and/or major unitholders of Al-`Aqar nor does he have any conflict of interests with Al-`Aqar. He has not been convicted for any offences, other than traffic offences (if any), within the past 5 years. SahrinbinMunir is currently theHeadof Business Development and Investor Relations of the Manager. He joined the Manager in May 2013. He graduated with a Bachelor of Management (Technology) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2004. He started his career with DBhd in 2006. In 2008, he joined a venture capital management company, Pembangunan Ekuiti Sdn Bhd as Investment Analyst overseeing small and medium enterprises from various industries involved in, amongst others, oil and gas, manufacturing, services and trading. He then joined FELDA as Investment Officer in 2011. He is primarily in charge to develop investment strategies and grow the Fund’s portfolio through strategic acquisitions. He is also responsible to implement effective communication strategies with all stakeholders and maintaining continuous engagement with the investment community. He does not hold directorships in any public companies in Malaysia. He does not have any family relationship with any Directors and/or major unitholders of Al-`Aqar nor does he have any conlict of interests with Al-`Aqar. He has not been convicted for any offences, other than traffic offences (if any), within the past 5 years. 02 DRIVING FORCE 36