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Analysis of Shareholdings
Annual Report Year :  

Distribution of Shareholdings As At 29/03/2024

No.Size of ShareholdingsNo. of Shareholders% of ShareholdersNo. of Shares% of Shareholding
1Less than 100 shares44810.6818,5670.00
2100 to 1,000 shares44310.56150,5750.03
31,001 to 10,000 shares1,04724.966,055,3851.16
410,001 to 100,000 shares1,70840.7264,555,30312.33
5100,001 to 26,183,495*54713.04377,015,08571.99
626,183,496 and above **10.0275,875,00014.49
*Less than 5% of issued shares (excluding treasury shares)
**5% and above of issued shares (excluding treasury shares)