SCC Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018

SCC Holdings Berhad | Annual Report 2018 .15 PRINCIPLE A – BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (cont’d) IV. Board Composition (cont’d) Tenure of Independent Directors (cont’d) • During their tenure, Dato’ Ismail, Dato’ Dr. Choong Tuck Yew and Datuk Wira Dr. Goy Hong Boon have gained significant and detailed understanding and insights into the business operations, and industry sectors in which the Group operates in. This includes an understanding of the peculiarities, strength and weaknesses of the industry sectors thereby enabling them to offer a different perspective during the decision-making process which a fresh appointee or a director holding office for a short length of time would not be able to offer. V. Board Remuneration The Board has established a Remuneration Committee (“RC”) to assist the Board in establishing formal and transparent remuneration packages for the Directors and believes that the levels of remuneration offered by the Group are sufficient to attract directors of calibre with sufficient experience and talent to contribute to the performance of the Group. The INEDs’ remuneration comprises annual fees that reflect their expected roles and responsibilities. The Company has obtained approval from the shareholders at the 18th AGM held on 28 May 2018 to pay the Directors Fees to the INEDs for the FYE 2017. The remuneration packages applicable for the Executive Chairman, Managing Director and Executive Director has the underlying objective of attracting and retaining an Executive Director needed to manage the Company successfully. The remuneration packages of the Managing Director and Executive Director are structured to commensurate with the achievement of corporate targets set by the Board and their individual performance. Their remuneration packages have been reviewed by the RC and approved by the Board. The remuneration of the Executive Chairman, Managing Director and Executive Directors consists of basic salary and other emoluments. Further, benefits customary to the Group are also made available as appropriate. The Group operates a bonus scheme for all its employees including Executive Directors. The performance of the Group along with assessment of the individual’s performance forms the criteria for the scheme. The details of the remuneration of the Directors of the Company (comprising remuneration received and/or receivable from the Company and its subsidiaries) during the FYE 2018 are as follows: Director’s Name Director Fee Salary and emoluments Bonuses EPF (Employer) SOCSO/EIS (Employer) Benefits in Kind Total Chee Long Sing @ Cher Hwee Seng - 360,000 157,547 31,353 1,186 21,250 571,336 Cher Sew Seng - 480,000 210,377 41,723 1,186 10,625 743,911 Goh Ah Heng @ Goh Keng Chin - 360,000 157,547 31,353 1,186 7,500 557,586 Chu Soo Meng - 318,000 124,553 53,107 924 14,167 510,750 Cher Lip Chun - 318,000 124,553 53,107 924 21,250 517,834 Dato’ Ismail bin Hamzah 24,000 - - - - - 24,000 Dato’ Dr. Choong Tuck Yew 24,000 - - - - - 24,000 Datuk Wira Dr. Goy Hong Boon 24,000 - - - - - 24,000 Total 72,000 1,836,000 774,577 210,643 5,404 74,792 2,973,417 Note :- The above mentioned Directors’ remuneration is the total sum of the remuneration received by the Directors from the Company and its subsidiaries. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT (cont’d)