Ni Hsin Berhad Annual Report 2018

23. Financial instruments (continued) 23.4 Credit risk (continued) Trade receivables (continued) Recognition and measurement of impairment losses (continued) The following table provides information about the exposure to credit risk for trade receivables as at 31 December 2018. Gross carrying Individual amount impairment Net Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2018 Not past due 2,143 - 2,143 Past due 1 - 30 days 322 - 322 Past due 31 - 60 days - - - Past due 61 - 90 days - - - Past due over 90 days 60 - 60 2,525 - 2,525 Comparative information under MFRS 139, Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement The aging of trade receivables as at 31 December 2017 was as follows: Gross carrying Individual amount impairment Net Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 2017 Not past due 1,613 - 1,613 Past due 1 - 30 days 342 - 342 Past due 31 - 60 days - - - Past due 61 - 90 days - - - Past due over 90 days - - - 1,955 - 1,955 As at the end of the reporting period, there was no indication that the receivables are not recoverable. Cash and cash equivalents The cash and cash equivalents are held with banks and financial institutions. As at the end of the reporting period, the maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by their carrying amounts in the statement of financial position. These banks have low credit risks. Notes to the financial statements (continued) Annual Report 2018 88