Ni Hsin Berhad Annual Report 2018

Ni Hsin Resources Berhad (653353-W) Annual Report 2018 20 PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (continued) 2 Board Composition (continued) e. Re-election of Directors (continued) Based on the schedule of rotation, the following Directors are subject to retirement by rotation pursuant to the Company’s Constitution at the forthcoming Fifteenth AGM:- (1) Encik Rizvi Bin Abdul Halim; and (2) Mr Leow Chan Khiang. The aforesaid Directors have expressed their intention to seek for re-election at the forthcoming Fifteenth AGM. f. Annual Evaluation The assessment criteria of the Board and Board committees include an evaluation of the size and composition of the Board and Board committees, access to information, accountability, processes, Board’s and Board committees’ performance in relation to discharging its principal responsibilities, communication with Management and standards of conduct by the Directors and committee members. The internally facilitated evaluation process is led by the NC Chairman who is an Independent Director and supported by the Company Secretaries. The evaluation process is conducted via questionnaires to review the effectiveness of the Board and its committees, and based on self-review and peer assessment. The NC reviews the outcome of the assessment and report to the Board, in particular, areas for improvement and also used it as the basis of recommending relevant Director for re-election at the AGM. g. Professional Development of Directors All Directors have successfully completed the Mandatory Accreditation Programme. The NC and Directors will continue to identify and attend appropriate seminars, conferences and courses to keep abreast of changes in market, legislations and regulations affecting the Group. The Directors are also committed to continue to undergo other relevant training programmes and seminars whether in-house or external to keep abreast with the developments of the business environment and further enhance their skills and knowledge. During the financial year ended 31 December 2018, the Directors had attended various training programmes and seminars, amongst others, the following:- · SST 2018: Practical & Effective Implementation of Sales and Services Tax · Sustainability Report – Setting The Agenda For Value Creation · Introduction to Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS) · Malaysian Corporate Tax · Annual Report – Navigating Best Practices Compliance · The New Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance · Understanding the Tax Landscape in Malaysia · KPMG Penang Tax Summit 2018 The Company Secretaries circulated the relevant guidelines on statutory and regulatory requirements from time to time and update the Board on the same at Board meetings. The external auditors also briefed the Board members on any current and future changes to the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards that affect the Group’s financial statements. h. NC’s Activities During the financial year under review, the activities undertaken by the NC include: (a) Assessed and was satisfied with the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and the Board committees and the contribution of each Director. (b) Reviewed and was satisfied with the mix of skills, knowledge, expertise and experience, composition and size of the Board in terms of gender, ethnicity and age. Corporate Governance Overview Statement (continued)