GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2020

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 0 29 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D HUMAN RESOURCE (Cont’d) Employment Diversity The Group strives to be an equal opportunity employer, supporting gender diversity, and equal gender participation in the workplace. Being diverse allows the Group to witness a strong synergy that differences between people can bring. The Group has a total of 983 employees from different age groups and diverse backgrounds, with 68% of youth (aged 35 and below) engagement in the workforce. Women account for approximately 38.5% of the total workforce, with women leaders representing 11% of Middle to Senior Management. Key roles assumed within the Group are based on meritocracy. The Group encourages women in its workforce through many avenues. Equal opportunities are given for promotion, upgrading, and training. MOVING FORWARD Moving forward, in setting future sustainability focus areas for the Group, the Group plans to embark on internal exercises with overseas subsidiaries to identify key baseline strategies including readiness to report, data management, and working towards identifying a more structured governance process. The Group’s vision, purpose, and strategy remains aligned with multiple areas of the value chain which it can impact. The Group hopes that this will allow for setting a clearer path to becoming a company that has sustainability at its core operations, benefiting all stakeholders in the long run.