GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2020

105 a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 2 0 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2020 CONT’D 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (cont‘d) Company 2019 Balance as at 1.1.2019 Additions Written off Depreciation charges for the financial year Balance as at 31.12.2019 RM RM RM RM RM Carrying amount Long term leasehold land: - Right-of-use assets 1,411,615 - - (16,414) 1,395,201 Buildings: - Owned 7,656,279 - - (172,238) 7,484,041 - Right-of-use assets 103,774 - - (41,537) 62,237 Computer equipment 612,907 124,741 (8) (345,892) 391,748 Computer software 437,433 - - (77,462) 359,971 Motor vehicles: - Right-of-use assets 249,703 - - (78,854) 170,849 Furniture, fittings and office equipment: - Owned 398,230 353,335 (3,975) (98,738) 648,852 - Right-of-use assets 17,668 37,238 - (11,061) 43,845 Renovation 7,002 3,152,420 - (405,028) 2,754,394 10,894,611 3,667,734 (3,983) (1,247,224) 13,311,138 Company 2019 At 31.12.2019 Cost Accumulated depreciation Carrying amount RM RM RM Long term leasehold land: - Right-of-use assets 1,625,000 (229,799) 1,395,201 Buildings: - Owned 8,350,000 (865,959) 7,484,041 - Right-of-use assets 103,774 (41,537) 62,237 Computer equipment 5,227,526 (4,835,778) 391,748 Computer software 1,799,737 (1,439,766) 359,971 Motor vehicles: - Right-of-use assets 394,266 (223,417) 170,849 Furniture, fittings and office equipment: - Owned 2,629,893 (1,981,041) 648,852 - Right-of-use assets 54,906 (11,061) 43,845 Renovation 3,855,028 (1,100,634) 2,754,394 Total 24,040,130 (10,728,992) 13,311,138