GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2019

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 51 PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (Cont’d) I. BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES (Cont’d) Board Meetings (Cont’d) Director Training Programme / Conference Seminar Dato’ Chan Choy Lin, Carol - Integrated Reporting : Delivering Sustainable Value Creation by Deloitte - Cyber Security In The Board Room by Deloitte - Bursa Advocacy on Diversity - The Convergence of Digitalisation And Sustainability - KPMG ACI Breakfast Roundtable 2019 - Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption - Highlights of 2020 Budget and Section 17A of The MACC Act - Audit Oversight Board- Conversation with Audit Committees Matteo Stefanel - Map Programme - Positive Planet Forum - Positive Planet Boards of Trustees - Board of Opportunity Network - Fintech and Financial Inclusion Panel Speech At Empea - Anthemis Fintech Retreat - Apis Global Leaders Event @ Sibos - Positive Planet Women Incubator Lecture Hossameldin Abdelhamid Mohamed Aboumoussa - Anti-Money Laundering Training (AML) - Global Anti Bribery and Corruption Training (ABC) - Information Security - UK Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Conduct Rules Training - Interviewing Skills Training - Inclusive Leadership Training II. BOARD COMPOSITION The Board comprises a mixture of Executive and Non-Executive Directors from diverse professional backgrounds with a wealth of experience, skills, and expertise to meet the Group’s needs. The Board currently consist of five (5) members, comprising one (1) Executive Director and four (4) Non-Executive Directors, of which two (2) are Independent Non-Executive Directors including the Chairman. During the financial year, one (1) member of the Board, Mr. Ali Zaynalabidin Haeri Mazanderani, a representative Partner from Actis, resigned from his position as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director with effect from 12 June 2019. Practice 4.1 of the MCCG states that at least half of the Board comprises Independent Directors. The Board is aware that its current composition is a departure with the desired practice and believes that the independence and objectivity is not compromised as a result of such composition. Independence and objectivity are present and preserved with the current composition in view of the weight given to the opinions of its two (2) Independent Non-Executive Directors which brings balance into its overall decisions. Nevertheless, the Board remains guided by the Principles and Practices of the MCCG in adhering to the best corporate governance practices. The Board is cognisant of the recommendation on boardroom diversity in the MCCG, and acknowledges the importance of diversity in terms of skills, experience, age, gender, cultural background, and ethnicity, and recognises the benefits of diversity at leadership and employee level. By having a range of diverse dimensions, it brings different perspectives to the boardroom and to various levels of Management within the Group. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT CONT’D