GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2019

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 31 Raya Potluck Each department brought their own Raya delicacies to be shared with family at work. Dragon Boat Teambuilding Divided into 5 teams; GHL staff had a fun filled day rowing against each other as part of the team building exercise. GHL Group Town Hall The Group officiated the newly revamped office to accommodate the growing family in the GHL Group. This was launched during Town HalI while announcing positive outlook for GHL, and Iftar to conclude. Conducive and Inclusive Workplace Employee engagement is one of the key elements of corporate cultural health. The Group conducts a group wide Employee Survey annually, which provides a platform for employees to project honest feedback about the Company. These feedback allow the Group to facilitate greater engagement and provide insights to assist workplace enhancement for better personal and professional development. Annual Employee Survey conducted during the year in Malaysia noted that 73% employees were engaged, 20% employees were neutral, and 7% employees were disengaged. In an effort to boost employee engagement, the following are staff activities organised during the financial year, demonstrating the Group’s efforts in creating a healthier and conducive workplace. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D