GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2019

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 27 HUMAN RESOURCE (Cont’d) Employee Training Learning and development initiatives have been implemented at GHL to enhance capabilities ranging from enhancing knowledge on compliance, building technical, and professional abilities to soft skills and leadership competencies. During the year, 184 employees have attended trainings, which involved 2529 hours and at a total cost of RM152,630. Corporate Social Responsibility GHL has always stayed true to its corporate social responsibility roots, firmly believing that a giving heart would translate into core values that cascade right down to every GHL citizen. Its staff is actively engaged in community- based activities as part of their work culture. In 2019, there has been three (3) major initiatives executed which include “Invest in a Dream – ArtNExploration Workshop”, “University Malaya Internship Day” and “Departmental CSR Initiative”. Through these initiatives, a total of 205 people from the community received direct benefits from the fund, amounting to RM40,851.40. Malaysia GHL contributed RM 20,000 to sponsor Art & Exploration classes in June 2019, giving the opportunity to 20 underprivileged kids from homes; Rumah Mega and Karunai Illam to have fun and learn over painting. As part of The Group’s Corporate CSR drive, the classes under the ‘Invest in a Dream’ project aim at inculcating study of virtues; respect, loyalty, kindness, integrity, and much more through art - over a period of six (6) months. Based on the virtue shared, children will create an art based on the virtue to express their thoughts and feelings. To further instill CSR values among staff, monthly departmental CSR was carried out whereby each department is given RM1,000 to execute a CSR project of their choice. The allocated budget is to kick-start the CSR, where each department has been creative to raise additional funds to be channeled to their selected beneficiaries. Philippines and Thailand As part of the CSR effort in collaboration with Haribon Foundation, GHL Philippines spent a day planting trees at San Pablo, Laguna. On the other hand, GHL Thailand participated in the Run for your Heart activity to stimulate healthy balanced lifestyle. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D