GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2019

G H L S Y S T E M S B E R H A D 1 9 9 4 0 1 0 0 7 3 6 1 ( 2 9 3 0 4 0 - D ) 24 CUSTOMER GROWTH Keeping up with the Fintech industry which is constantly evolving due to rapid technological developments, the Group is committed towards integrating sustainability practices in delivering products and services, as well as making strategic investment decisions to ensure constant customer growth. The Group’s value, “ Customer is the Boss ”, promises to develop a deeper understanding of customers’ needs through data analysis, to increase customer reach by using various channels to deliver a fast and seamless customer experience, to provide tailor-made solutions to enhance customer experience, and to ensure protection of customers’ information. Customer Experience In line with GHL's Core Value “ Customer is the Boss ”, customers’ experience and feedback are important to enhance the Company’s products and services toward fostering customer loyalty and excellent service quality. Nurturing Customer Centric Culture Customer’s feedback about the Company’s products and services is the key element to best ensure the customers' journey is pleasant throughout. A warm welcome call will be conducted to all newly onboard merchants to listen to their feedback and suggestions. This effective approach has enabled the team to re-act proactively to customers’ needs and on-going improvements. Under Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the customers’ usage is continuously monitored and analysed. Then, a warm courtesy call will be conducted to stay in-touch with customers who have no spending for more than two (2) consecutive months, in order to promote customer’s retention. In an effort to provide a user friendly interface, customers are provided with login access to a Self-Serve Portal to allow them to view transaction history, statement of account, and submit any request via the portal. View transac Ɵ on history, account statement and request submission ^ŽŌ skills training conducted for customer care personnel Welcome call to new customers for feedback Monitor and analyse customer’s usage con Ɵ nuously Customer Feedback Customer Reten Ɵ on Merchant Portal Customer Care Training DESIGN AND MARKETING OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Staying true to another one of GHL’s core values; ‘ Addicted to Innovation ’, GHL continuously strives to develop innovative solutions to accommodate the ever changing needs of its customers. GHL leverages on digital technologies to boost efficiency in daily workflows, with the ultimate goal of enhancing customers' lives. In 2019, GHL introduced Smart Android All-in-One point of sales terminal across its market in Malaysia and Thailand. The terminal offers added features and value-added services, enabling multi cashless payment options; which include credit and debit cards, contactless payment with NFC functions, and QR e-wallet acceptance. All of these payment transactions can be performed on a user friendly interface and with just a touch of the screen, making it easy to be handled by any level of personnel on the customer’s side. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D