GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2019

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 21 IDENTIFICATION OF MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS The Group is mindful of the constant need to engage with stakeholders on issues that impact the business, and understands that it is essential to always be aware of the needs and perceptions in order to achieve an optimal balance that benefit the business, communities, and stakeholders. The Group strives to engage stakeholders by listening, providing accurate information, and responding to stakeholders’ interests in a prompt and consistent manner. ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Launch of new products into the market Customer oriented solutions Customer meetings, exhibitions, and roadshows Training for merchants/customers Customers Shareholders/Investors ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Annual General Meeting Investor updates and briefings Annual reports Corporate website Announcement on Bursa Securities Local Community Regulators/Government Employees ‡ Dialogues between Regulatory Bodies/Government ‡ Attending seminars by Regulatory Bodies/Government ‡ Participating in surveys conducted by Regulatory Bodies/Government ‡ Social media postings ‡ Corporate website ‡ Corporate Social Responsibility activities (CSR) ‡ Press releases ‡ Open dialogues ‡ Staff engagement activities ‡ Whistle blowing policy ‡ Management Trainee Program ‡ Monthly management meetings ‡ Skills development and training opportunities ‡ Events and functions Media ‡ ‡ ‡ Social media Corporate website Press releases Engagements Engagements Focus Focus Product Knowledge, Product Quality, Service Satisfaction, Customer Appreciation, Customer Experience, Design, Marketing of Products and Services, Customer Empowerment Events Transparent Services Group Financial Performance, Business Direction, Key Corporate Developments, Corporate Governance, Proactive Investor Relation Regulatory Compliance, Cyber Security, Quarterly/Annual Reporting, Anti-Money Laundering, Customer Due Diligence, Cards Scheme/BNM/TPA/Banks Compliance Reaching Out to Communities Talent Attraction and Retention, Employee Well-Being and Safety, Value Diversity and Equal Opportunity SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT CONT’D