GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2019

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 109 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2019 CONT’D 13. RIGHT-OF-USE ASSETS AND LEASE LIABILITIES The Group as lessee Right-of-use assets Group 2019 Balance as at 1.1.2019 Effects of adoption of MFRS 16 (Note 35) Addition Transfers to property plant and equipment (Owned) (Note 12) Written off Disposals Depreciation charges for the financial year Exchange difference Balance as at 31.12.2019 RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Carrying amount Long term leasehold land - 1,411,615 - - - - (16,414) - 1,395,201 Buildings - 3,959,009 460,304 - - - (1,299,932) 77,900 3,197,281 Motor vehicles - 1,464,556 859,961 - (248,950) (14,160) (560,850) 19,369 1,519,926 EDC equipment - 7,112,036 5,792,098 (1,081,103) - (6,970) (3,683,910) 148,474 8,280,625 Office equipment - 101,292 37,238 - - - (30,920) - 107,610 - 14,048,508 7,149,601 (1,081,103) (248,950) (21,130) (5,592,026) 245,743 14,500,643 Lease liabilities Group 2019 Balance as at 1.1.2019 Effects of adoption of MFRS 16 (Note 35) Addition Lease payments Interest expense Exchange difference Balance as at 31.12.2019 RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Carrying amount Buildings - 4,071,144 460,304 (1,432,836) 166,726 54,135 3,319,473 Motor vehicles - 1,072,311 680,000 (378,122) 82,938 19,406 1,476,533 EDC equipment - 8,993,034 6,648,432 (6,376,537) 924,644 211,506 10,401,079 Office equipment - 103,623 37,238 (34,960) 5,914 - 111,815 - 14,240,112 7,825,974 (8,222,455) 1,180,222 285,047 15,308,900 Represented by: 2019 RM Current liabilities 6,907,021 Non-current liabilities 8,401,879 15,308,900 Lease liabilities owing to financial institution 11,877,612 Lease liabilities owing to non-financial institutions 3,431,288 15,308,900