GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2019

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 105 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2019 CONT’D 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (cont’d) Group 2018 Balance as at 1.1.2018 Additions Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 16) Transferred from inventories (Note 19) Written off Disposals Depreciation charges for the financial year Exchange differences Balance as at 31.12.2018 RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Carrying amount Long term leasehold land 1,428,029 - - - - - (16,414) - 1,411,615 Buildings 6,551,352 5,100,000 4,400,000 - - - (223,063) (117,786) 15,710,503 Computer equipment 3,296,942 3,258,518 121,330 - (8,276) (4,648) (2,150,520) (16,013) 4,497,333 EDC equipment 49,090,794 12,917,425 6,779,650 19,446,041 (40,818) (2,382,086) (18,714,531) (553,652) 66,542,823 Computer software 1,539,107 358,521 - - - - (425,533) (12,136) 1,459,959 Motor vehicles 667,551 1,068,101 94,498 - - (20,965) (343,330) (1,296) 1,464,559 Furniture, fittings and office equipment 1,452,615 246,433 244,184 - (5) - (401,391) (2,111) 1,539,725 Renovation 783,905 121,449 19,215 - - - (425,148) (25,657) 473,764 64,810,295 23,070,447 11,658,877 19,446,041 (49,099) (2,407,699) (22,699,930) (728,651) 93,100,281 Group 2018 At 31.12.2018 Cost Accumulated depreciation Accumulated impairment losses Carrying amount RM RM RM RM Long term leasehold land 1,625,000 (213,385) - 1,411,615 Buildings 16,886,226 (1,175,723) - 15,710,503 Computer equipment 27,529,655 (23,032,322) - 4,497,333 EDC equipment 173,164,656 (96,741,964) (9,879,869) 66,542,823 Computer software 5,966,197 (4,156,673) (349,565) 1,459,959 Motor vehicles 3,357,330 (1,892,771) - 1,464,559 Furniture, fittings and office equipment 7,095,349 (5,555,624) - 1,539,725 Renovation 3,380,239 (2,906,475) - 473,764 Total 239,004,652 (135,674,937) (10,229,434) 93,100,281