GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2018

a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 8 91 NOT ES TO THE F I NANC I A L STAT EMENTS 3 1 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 8 C O N T ’ D 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (cont’d) Balance as at 1.1.2017 Additions Transferred from inventories (Note 20) Written off Disposals Depreciation charges for the financial year Reclassification (Note 13) Exchange differences Balance as at 31.12.2017 Group RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Carrying amount Long term leasehold land 1,444,443 - - - - (16,414) - - 1,428,029 Buildings 7,156,496 - - - - (156,602) - (448,542) 6,551,352 Computer equipment 2,745,153 2,017,028 - (15) (18,981) (1,826,810) 178,100 202,467 3,296,942 EDC equipment 43,107,556 25,825,016 549,980 - (2,092,677) (16,823,295) - (1,475,786) 49,090,794 Computer software 1,644,442 385,873 - - - (450,558) - (40,650) 1,539,107 Motor vehicles 891,495 394,266 - - (282,969) (330,880) - (4,361) 667,551 Furniture, fittings and office equipment 1,431,271 406,570 - (9,267) (317) (382,522) - 6,880 1,452,615 Renovation 1,147,010 123,513 - (2,863) - (395,259) - (88,496) 783,905 59,567,866 29,152,266 549,980 (12,145) (2,394,944) (20,382,340) 178,100 (1,848,488) 64,810,295 At 31.12.2017 Cost Accumulated depreciation Accumulated impairment losses Carrying amount Group RM RM RM RM Long term leasehold land 1,625,000 (196,971) - 1,428,029 Buildings 7,378,953 (827,601) - 6,551,352 Computer equipment 22,860,683 (19,563,741) - 3,296,942 EDC equipment 125,870,528 (66,235,624) (10,544,110) 49,090,794 Computer software 5,633,326 (3,752,293) (341,926) 1,539,107 Motor vehicles 1,781,216 (1,113,665) - 667,551 Furniture, fittings and office equipment 6,255,686 (4,803,071) - 1,452,615 Renovation 2,861,923 (2,078,018) - 783,905 Total 174,267,315 (98,570,984) (10,886,036) 64,810,295