GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2018

G H L S y s t e m S B e r h a d ( 2 9 3 0 4 0 - D ) 56 HUMAN RESOURCE (cont’d) Talent Attraction and Retention (cont’d) Furthermore, the Group develops talent capabilities via Management Trainee Programme by providing management trainees with personal growth, relevant experience in the fin-tech industry, and leadership knowledge. To date, three (3) management trainees have participated and benefited through the programme. Specific initiatives and customised development plans have also been put in place to support growth of high-potential staff within the Group. The HIPO (High Potential) Programme focuses on talent development and talent retention by identifying high potentials for key leadership positions to meet the Group’s current and future requirements. Selected candidates will be assessed, monitored, and reviewed with proper guidance in which help accelerate candidates’ readiness to assume more challenging and complex roles and responsibilities. To date, 29 high potential employees have participated and benefited through this programme. Employee Training Learning and development initiatives have been implemented at GHL to enhance capabilities ranging from enhancing knowledge on compliance, building technical, professional abilities to soft skills and leadership competencies. During the year, 117 employees have attended trainings, which involved 357 hours and at a cost of RM168,229.80. Conducive and Inclusive Workplace Employee engagement is one of the key elements of corporate cultural health. The Group conducts a group wide Employee Survey annually, which provides a platform for employees to project honest feedback. These feedbacks allow the Group to facilitate greater engagement and provide insights assisting workplace enhancement for better personal and professional development. Annual Employee Survey conducted during the year in Malaysia noted that 65% employees were satisfied, 26% employees were neutral, and 9% employees were not satisfied. In an effort to improve employee satisfaction, the following are staff activities organised during the financial year, demonstrating the Group’s efforts in creating a healthy and conducive workplace:- • Town hall meetings; • Employee performance appraisals; • Bowling tournament; • FIFA World Cup best dressed contest; • Halloween dress up contest; • Blood donation drive campaign; • Annual Dinner 2018 – “Dress to Kill!” at The Diplomat; • Team building – “Be Ready” at District 21, IOI Mall; • International Women’s Day Cupcake distribution; and • Valentine’s Day Surprise. Employment Diversity GHL welcomes diversity and the benefits that the differences between people can bring to the Group. GHL is inclusive and are mindful to encourage balanced participation of female employees. The Group strives to be an equal opportunity employer, supporting gender diversity, and equal gender participation in the workplace. The Group has a total of over 974 employees from different age groups and diverse backgrounds, with 64% youth (aged 35 and below) engagement in the workforce. Women account for more than 44% of its total workforce, with women leaders representing 41% of Middle to Senior Management. Key roles assumed in GHL are based on meritocracy. GHL encourages women in its workforce through many avenues. Equal opportunities are given for promotion, upgrading, and training. Apart from equal opportunities, GHL has established a Young Mothers Room at Sri Damansara Headquarters specifically catered for nursing mothers. MOVING FORWARD Moving forward, in setting future sustainability focus areas for the Group, the Group plans to embark on internal exercises with oversea subsidiaries and identify key baseline strategy including readiness to report, data management, and working towards identifying a more structured governance process. The Group’s vision, purpose, and strategy will be aligned with multiple areas that the value chain can impact. The Group hopes that this will allow in setting a clearer path for becoming a Group that has sustainability at its core operations, benefiting all stakeholders in the long run. SUSTA I NAB I L I T Y STAT EMENT C O N T ’ D