GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2018

G H L S y s t e m S B e r h a d ( 2 9 3 0 4 0 - D ) 54 COMPLIANCE TO RULES AND REGULATIONS (cont’d) Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy This Policy's principal objective is to safeguard the Group’s reputation by countering conflicts of interest, bribery and corruption, and ensuring that business practices are conducted in an ethical and professional manner. All employees are to abide by the Policy and ensure that there is no offering, soliciting, or receiving of any gifts/bribery in any form, to or from current or potential customers, vendors, or merchants, either directly or indirectly, which may influence the employee’s judgement in a decision-making process or put the employee in a position of conflict. Customer Data Privacy The Group takes customer data privacy seriously and ensures that it is protected at all times by maintaining a Privacy Policy in line with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010. Various measures have been put in place to safeguard all data from unauthorised access and security breaches. The Group also acknowledges that as customers and employees information become more digitalised, the risk of cyber-attacks increase. As such, the Company is committed in maintaining high information technology security controls to ensure sustainability of its business operations and will continue to implement best practices embedded within the security standards. Customer Due Diligence Customer due diligence/Know-Your-Customer (KYC) are conducted by the Group’s Risk Department for proper customer identification and risk assessments using reliable information and documentation. KYC allows a standardised approach to understand the customers/merchants during on-boarding and ongoing due diligence reviews. This ensures that the Group only deals with customers whose background information has been adequately verified and approved to eliminate probabilities of chargeback or fraud. Whistle Blowing Policy The Group operates an independent and unbiased Whistle Blowing Policy which encourages employees and any party to bring to the attention of the Board any concerns of integrity and misconduct. With the aim to develop an open culture, accountability and integrity, the Group’s Whistle Blowing Policy offers protection and places significance on confidentiality, encouraging employees and third parties to speak up if serious concerns about misconduct and irregularity arise. CUSTOMER GROWTH By being a part of the fin-tech industry which is constantly evolving due to rapid technological developments, the Group is committed towards integrating sustainability practices in delivering products and services, as well as making strategic investment decisions to ensure constant customer growth. The Group’s value, “ Customer is the Boss ”, promises to develop a deeper understanding of customers’ needs through data analysis, increasing customer reach by using various channels to deliver a fast and seamless customer experience, providing tailor-made solutions that help customers in achieving their goals, and ensures protection of customers’ information. Customer Experience The Group recognises that keeping customers satisfied is crucial in the Group’s sustainability and the ability to continue offering innovative products and services, building the Group’s reputation and to achieve becoming one of the top payment service providers. In promoting the GHL Value “ Customer is the Boss ”, the Group makes every effort to create a positive customer experience by enhancing products and service deliveries; and meeting customers’ preferences and needs by taking into consideration the interest of both parties in terms of fairness in all aspects. Customer support and loyalty is critical to the success of the Group’s business. Hence, engagement channels such as 24-hour customer service, online platforms (corporate website, social media, smartphone applications, and mobile messaging) and customer satisfaction surveys are provided to monitor customers’ trust and confidence towards the Group. SUSTA I NAB I L I T Y STAT EMENT C O N T ’ D