GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2018

G H L S y s t e m S B e r h a d ( 2 9 3 0 4 0 - D ) 52 IDENTIFICATION OF MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS (cont’d) Stakeholder Group Area Of Interest Type of Engagements Customers • Product Knowledge • Product Quality • Service Satisfaction • Customer Appreciation • Customer Experience • Design, Marketing of Products and Services • Customer Empowerment Event • Launch of new products into the market • Customer oriented solutions and customer care that are fast, simple, and responsive • Customer meetings, exhibitions, and roadshows • Training for merchants/customers on card fraud guidelines Regulatory Bodies/ Government • Regulatory Compliance • Cyber Security • Quarterly and Annual Reporting • Anti-Money Laundering • Customer Due Diligence • Card Scheme/BNM/TPA Banks Compliance • Dialogues between Regulatory Bodies/ Government • Attended dialogues/seminars organised by Regulatory Bodies/Government • Participated in survey conducted by Regulatory Bodies/Government Shareholders/ Investors • Group Financial Performance • Business Direction • Key Corporate Developments • Corporate Governance • Proactive Investor Relation • Annual General Meeting • Investor updates and briefings for fund analysts and investors • Annual reports • Corporate website • Announcements on Bursa Securities Local Community/ Social Media/ Media • Transparent services • Reaching out to communities • Social Media • Corporate Website • Giving back to the community – Blood Donation Drive Campaign • Press Release Employees • Talent Attraction and Retention • Employee well-being and safety • Value diversity and equal opportunity • Employee appreciation awards • Open communication • Management Trainee Programme • Events and functions • Whistle Blowing Policy • Skills development and training opportunities • Monthly management meetings SUSTA I NAB I L I T Y STAT EMENT C O N T ’ D