GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2018

a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 8 51 SUSTA I NAB I L I T Y STAT EMENT C O N T ’ D GHL SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES GHL Mission Customer is the Boss Teamwork “Boleh” Attitude No Dishonesty Addicted to Innovation Customer Growth Human Resource Compliance to Rules and Regulations To be clearly recognised as the leading ASEAN payment services provider. Delivering powerful solutions to deeply rooted local relationships. We help merchants, financial institutions, and telcos make money by simplifying their distribution, payment, and collections needs. We provide ASEAN merchants, both big and small, with complete solutions that fulfil their customers’ needs.  Anti-Money Laundering Policy  Cyber Security  Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy  Customer Data Privacy  Customer Due Diligence  Whistle Blowing Policy  Customer Experience  Design and Marketing of Products and Services  Customer Empowerment Events  Talent Attraction and Retention  Employee Training  Conducive and Inclusive Workplace  Employment Diversity GHL Corporate Vision GHL Core Values GHL Sustainability Principles GHL Sustainability Approach IDENTIFICATION OF MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS The Group is mindful of the constant need to engage with stakeholders on issues that impact the business, and understands that it is essential to always be aware of the needs and perceptions in order to achieve an optimal balance that benefit the business, communities, and stakeholders. The Group strives to engage stakeholders by listening, providing accurate information, and responding to stakeholders’ interests in a prompt and consistent manner.