GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2018

G H L S y s t e m S B e r h a d ( 2 9 3 0 4 0 - D ) 34 PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (cont’d) II. BOARD COMPOSITION (cont’d) 2.6 Directors’ Training (cont’d) In their effort to keep abreast with the changes in the industry, legislation and regulations affecting the Company, the Directors have attended the following briefings, conferences and seminars during the financial year under review:- Director Training Programme / Conference Seminar Datuk Kamaruddin Bin Taib - FIDE Forum 1st Board Leadership Series Navigating the VUCA World - Bank Negara Malaysia Workshop on Development of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - FIDE Elective Programme: Understanding Liquidity Risk Management in Banking - Annual Dialogue with the Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia - FIDE Elective Programme: Understanding Fintech and Its Implications for Banks - IBM Think Malaysia (1) The Human Machine InterChange (2) CyberCrime & Defence Technology - ICDM PowerTalk: Would a business judgement rule help Directors sleep better at night? - Personal Data Protection Act 2010 - Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance Loh Wee Hian - Personal Data Protection Act 2010 - Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance Dato’ Chan Choy Lin - Mandatory Accreditation Programme - Case Study Workshop For Independent Directors - Bursa Breakfast Series For Directors Of Public Listed Companies - Non Financials - Does It Matter? - Bursa Breakfast Series For Directors Of Public Listed Companies - Companies Of The Future - The Role For Boards. - Business Transformation Challenges - Shaping High Performance Organisations - Audit Committee Institute (ACI) Breakfast Roundtable 2018 - Fide Forum - Win The Innovation Race: Unlocking The Creative Power Of Asians Ali Zaynalabidin Haeri Mazanderani - Anti-Money Laundering training by EUKLEIA - Anti-Bribery & Corruption training by EUKLEIA - Personal Data Protection Act 2010 - Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance - UK Anti Money Laundering Act Hossameldin Abdelhamid Mohamed Aboumoussa - Anti-Money Laundering training by EUKLEIA - Anti-Bribery & Corruption training by EUKLEIA - Seamless North Africa Conference 2018, Cairo Egypt - Business for Africa & the World Forum 2018, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt - Personal Data Protection Act 2010 - Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance - UK Anti Money Laundering Act Matteo Stefanel - Annual Apis Fintech Conference - Asia Venture Capital Journal Article - Board of Trustees of Positive Planet CORPORAT E GOVERNANCE OVERV I EW STAT EMENT C O N T ’ D