GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2018

G H L S y s t e m S B e r h a d ( 2 9 3 0 4 0 - D ) 122 NOT ES TO THE F I NANC I A L STAT EMENTS 3 1 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 8 C O N T ’ D 22. CASH AND BANK BALANCES (cont’d) (b) The following table demonstrates the sensitivity analysis of the Group and of the Company to a reasonably possible change in the PHP, USD, THB, AUD, SGD and IDR exchange rates against the respective functional currencies of the Group entities, with all other variables held constant (cont'd): Group Company 2018 2017 2018 2017 RM RM RM RM AUD/RM - strengthen by 10% (2017: 10%) 40,937 107,416 - 61,270 AUD/RM - weaken by 10% (2017: 10%) (40,937) (107,416) - (61,270) SGD/RM - strengthen by 10% (2017: 10%) 28,978 28,454 - - SGD/RM - weaken by 10% (2017: 10%) (28,978) (28,454) - - IDR/RM - strengthen by 10% (2017: 10%) 3,090 8,403 - - IDR/RM - weaken by 10% (2017: 10%) (3,090) (8,403) - - (c) The weighted average effective interest rate of deposits with licensed banks of the Group is 2.68% (2017: 3.10%) per annum. The average maturity days are 90 days (2017: 123 days) per annum. (d) For the purpose of statements of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents comprise the following as at the end of each reporting period: Group Company 2018 2017 2018 2017 RM RM RM RM Cash and bank balances 119,722,885 95,945,382 52,531,904 16,085,617 Deposits with licensed banks - not more than three (3) months 13,400,000 4,000,000 - - - more than three (3) months 12,019,637 7,554,563 - - 145,142,522 107,499,945 52,531,904 16,085,617 Less: Deposits pledged to licensed banks (11,668,620) (7,554,563) - - Deposits more than 3 months (351,017) - - - 133,122,885 99,945,382 52,531,904 16,085,617 (e) Included in the deposits of the Group is an amount of RM11,668,620 (2017: RM7,236,675) pledged to licensed banks as securities for credit facilities granted to one (1) subsidiary as disclosed in Note 25 to the financial statements.