GHL System Berhad Annual Report 2017

GHL SYSTEMS BERHAD 104 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 December 2017 CONT’D 19. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES (cont’d) (d) The ageing analysis of trade receivables of the Group and of the Company are as follow: Group Company 2017 2016 2017 2016 RM RM RM RM Neither past due nor impaired 30,330,444 13,048,339 1,181,922 1,840,348 Past due not impaired: Less than 30 days 5,514,616 6,596,592 608,971 1,342,990 31 to 60 days 1,951,964 544,741 406,056 95,226 61 to 90 days 1,099,010 1,524,683 93,672 997,081 More than 90 days 5,703,399 5,925,884 5,147,721 387,184 14,268,989 14,591,900 6,256,420 2,822,481 44,599,433 27,640,239 7,438,342 4,662,829 Past due and impaired 11,469,656 12,653,998 7,479,885 11,087,175 56,069,089 40,294,237 14,918,227 15,750,004 Receivables that are neither past due nor impaired Trade receivables that are neither past due nor impaired are creditworthy debtors with good payment records with the Group and the Company. None of the trade receivables of the Group and the Company that are neither past due not impaired have been renegotiated during the financial year. Receivables that are past due but not impaired Trade receivables that are past due but not impaired relate to a number of third party customers with no recent history of default. Receivables that are past due and impaired Trade receivables of the Group and of the Company that are past due and impaired at the end of each reporting period are as follows: Collectively impaired Individually impaired 2017 2016 2017 2016 RM RM RM RM Group Trade receivables, gross 7,642,141 4,797,565 3,827,515 7,856,433 Less: Accumulated impairment losses (4,128,108) (830,381) (3,827,515) (7,856,433) 3,514,033 3,967,184 - - Company Trade receivables, gross 4,994,236 8,408,886 2,485,649 2,678,289 Less: Accumulated impairment losses (2,008,707) (3,594,545) (2,485,649) (2,678,289) 2,985,529 4,814,341 - -