GHL Systems Berhad Annual Report 2014 - page 36

Annual report 2014
Audit and risk
Committee Report
The Group Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) was invited to all ARC meetings to facilitate direct communication
in relation to the group financial results while the Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) Chairman i.e. Group
Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) was invited to all ARC meetings to provide information regarding the Group’s
Risk Management activities. The Head of Group Internal Audit (“GIA”), relevant members of management, and
the External Auditors were also invited to attend the meetings of the Committee, where appropriate, to brief the
ARC on the relevant audit findings.
The ARC held two private meetings with the External Auditors in 2014 without the presence of the management.
At these meetings, the ARC enquired about management’s co-operation with the external auditors, their
sharing of information and the competencies and adequacy of resources in the financial reporting functions,
particularly in relation to the applicable Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards.
Minutes of each ARC meeting were recorded and tabled for confirmation at the following ARC meeting and
subsequently presented to the Board for notation.
The ARC reports regularly to the Board on its activities, deliberations and recommendations in discharging its
duties and responsibilities as set out in its terms of reference, which the Committee has reviewed to ensure it is in
line with the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia (“MMLR”), the Malaysian Code on Corporate
Governance 2012 (“MCCG”) and MCCG Guide.
The main activities undertaken by the Committee during the year are as below:
Regarding financial reporting:
a. Reviewed the Annual Report and the audited financial statements of the Group and the Company for FY
2014 together with the external auditors and Group CFO to ensure compliance of the financial statements
with the provisions of the Companies Act 1965 and the applicable approved accounting standards as per
the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (“MASB”) prior to recommending the same to the Board for
b. Reviewed the quarterly unaudited financial results of the Company and the Group for FY 2014 together
with the Group CFO, focusing particularly on significant changes to accounting policies and practices,
compliance with accounting standards and other legal requirements prior to recommending the same to
the Board of Directors for approval and release to Bursa Malaysia.
c. Reviewed with the management of the Group to ensure corporate disclosure policies and procedures of
the Group (pertaining to accounting, audit and financial matters) comply with the disclosure requirements
as set out in the MMLR.
Regarding external audit:
a. The Committee carried out an annual review of the performance of the external auditors, including an
assessment of their independence in fulfilling their responsibilities.
b. Reviewed the external audit scope, audit plan and proposed fees for the statutory audit and other non-
audit services based on the external auditors’ presentation of audit strategy and plan to ensure that their
scope of work adequately covered the activities of the Group.
c. Reviewed the audit results, audit reports, the issues and resolution highlighted in the management letter and
the response from the management. The Committee also considered the external auditors’ suggestions to
improve the accounting procedures and internal control measures.
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