Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2022

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2022 41 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT (CONT’D) SOCIAL & PEOPLE INDICATORS UNIT OF MEASURE FY2022 SOCIAL PARTICIPATION (i) Increase the number of social participation activities by 10%; number 13 (ii) Achieve 70% of all employees for social participation activities. percentage 70% SOCIAL IMPACT (i) Increase the amount of number of volunteerism hours invested by 10% (baseline date from FY 2019); hour 12,302 (ii) Total equivalent amount of donations/community investments made to registered not-for-profit organisations; and/or for the community; MYR 109,019 (iii) Increase the total number of persons got the benefit through our supporting schools and non-profit organisations; and/or the community via social projects by 10%. (Baseline date from FY 2019). person 96 6. RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN In 2022, we continue to focus and support our suppliers’ compliance with local, national, and global guidance and requirements for Code of Conduct framework and supplier management as part of our Supplier Code of Conduct. The Group’s business operation requires raw materials, chemicals, consumables, equipment and supplier services. Our operation will be disrupted if our suppliers cannot deliver their products or perform their services. Therefore, we are committed to working proactively together with suppliers to mitigate supply chain risk, optimised delivery, cost and time, and improve suppliers’ businesses to grow sustainably. The Group is committed to achieve a sustainable supply chain and we take responsibility to ensure that our business operations including our key suppliers adopt the best practice of procurement and management of supplies, insurance, and other aspects of operations related to our business sustainability. We implemented the Sustainable Procurement and Supplier Management Policy to ensure excellence in procurement with transparency, fairness, and alignment with best practices that represent the highest standards of quality, integrity and excellence. We respect the unique customs and cultures in communities where we operate. Our Sustainable Procurement and Supplier Management Policy are aligned with and benchmarked against the RBA Code of Conduct framework. The Group understands the importance of environmental risks in our value chain and we are committed to collaborating with environmentally responsible suppliers. We also recognise the importance of sustainable sourcing and procurement and is committed to responsible supply chain management practices, and developing a strong sustainable relationship with our suppliers, including labour practice, human rights, supplier diversity, environmental impact, data security and material sourcing. We actively collaborate with our suppliers to further our sustainable development efforts. We work with our suppliers to achieve a sustainable business ecosystem based on a philosophy of co-success.