Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2022

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2022 39 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT (CONT’D) We open a variety of communications channels to ensure our employees feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their views about our business, directly with their senior management. Open and direct communication has been a hallmark of our culture. We believe that our success depends upon all employees understanding how their work contribute to the Group’s overall business strategy. Our goal is to enable and drive the Group’s business success by having employees perform at their level best every day. We are committed to creating a better world through our service and the passion of our employees. We believe that the health of our Group and local economies both depend on an increasingly inclusive community. We believe that to maintain interaction with local communities and actively participate in public welfare activities is one of the most important ways to contribute to the society. We empower our employees to extend their values into our local communities for corporate social responsibility initiatives. We provide overseas internship opportunities for students from Singapore ITE college. At the same time, we also hired disabled people to make our contributions to caring for the society. In addition, the Group’s employees also actively participated in the following social impact activities: (a) blood donation; (b) support to vulnerable groups in Singapore; (c) donate food to vulnerable and less privileged groups. In the reporting period of FY2022, we achieved the following: SOCIAL & PEOPLE INDICATORS UNIT OF MEASURE FY2022 LABOUR PRACTICE (i) Achieve Zero incidents of unfair employment practices; number of incidents 0 (ii) Achieve Zero incidents of violation of labour laws; number of incidents 0 (iii) Achieve employee retention rate of 95%; percentage of retention 97.77% (iv) Committed compliance to local employment and/or sourcing; compliance Yes (v) Committed to local employment and sourcing - The proportion of local employees in the total number of the company. percentage 65% HUMAN RIGHTS (i) Committed to achieve Zero incidents of unfair harassment, bullying and/or unlawful discrimination practices including gender-based violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, bullying, public shaming, or verbal abuse of workers, etc; number of incidents 0 (ii) Committed compliance to enforced Zero tolerance approach to any child labour and/or modern slavery and/or forced labour of any kind within Frontken operations; compliance Yes (iii) Committed compliance to meet and/or exceed the minimum wage/ meet living wage in each country of operations. compliance Yes INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY (i) Committed compliance to achieve a balance diverse and inclusive workplace; inclusive of race, nationality, gender, age, disabilities; compliance Yes (ii) The percentage of employees that are contractors or temporary staff; percentage 0%