Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2022

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2022 35 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT (CONT’D) ENVIRONMENT INDICATORS UNIT OF MEASURE FY2022 SCOPE 3 : GHG EMISSION DATA Processing of sold products tCO2e 0 Use of sold products tCO2e 0 End of life treatment of sold products tCO2e 0 Downstream leased assets tCO2e 0 Franchises tCO2e 0 Other (upstream) tCO2e 0 Other (downstream) tCO2e 0 Total/no breakdown tCO2e 51,619 AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS (a) Short Term Goal by 2025 : (i) Reduce 10% our unit air pollutant emissions – the amount of air pollutant emissions in kg per unit of production. (Baseline data FY2020). (kg per part) Number of abnormal occurrence 0.0036 WATER CONSERVATION (i) Reduce 10% our water consumption per unit of production. (Water consumption baseline data FY2019). (Cubic meter per part) cubic metre per part 0.13 WATER DATA (i) Disclosure of the number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permits, standards, and regulations; number of incidents 0 (ii) Water management plan (including water recycling system); kilo tonnes 81 (iii) Water-stressed/scarce regions; number 0 (iv) Total water (effluent) discharge from facilities. cubic metre 265,480 TOTAL WATER DISCHARGE DATA DISCLOSED BY DESTINATION Ocean total discharge cubic metre 0 Surface water total discharge cubic metre 0 Subsurface/well total discharge cubic metre 0 Off-site water treatment total discharge cubic metre 265,480 Beneficial/other use total discharge cubic metre 0 Total discharge cubic metre 265,480