Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2022

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2022 34 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT (CONT’D) In the reporting period of FY2022, we achieved the following: ENVIRONMENT INDICATORS UNIT OF MEASURE FY2022 GHG EMISSION SCOPE 1, 2 & 3 (i) Scope 1 : Direct Emissions from company facilities, fleets, etc; (tCO2e) tCO2e 1,671 (ii) Scope 2 : Indirect Emissions from electricity purchased and used by the company; (tCO2e) tCO2e 10,432 (iii) Scope 3 : Other Indirect Emissions from company activities via entities beyond its ownership or control (procurement, shipping, distribution, waste, etc.), as well as business travel and employee commuting. (tCO2e) tCO2e 51,619 ENERGY DATA (i) Total energy consumption data; Mwh 21,218 (ii) Internal carbon price : per tonne of GHG emissions (tCO2e). USD per ton 20 SCOPE 1 : GHG EMISSIONS INTENSITY PER REVENUE IN MILLION MYR (i) Reduce 10% our Emissions Intensity – the amount of GHGs emitted per dollar revenue. (Baseline data FY2020). (kgCO2e per revenue in Million MYR) kgCO2e per revenue in Million MYR 3,231 SCOPE 2 : GHG EMISSIONS INTENSITY PER UNIT PRODUCTION (i) Reduce 10% our GHG emissions per unit of production. (Energy consumption and GHG emissions baseline data FY2020). (kgCO2e per part) kgCO2e per part 5.00 SCOPE 3 : GHG EMISSION DATA Purchased goods and services tCO2e 9,997 Capital goods tCO2e 34,746 Fuel-and-energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or 2) tCO2e 2,525 Upstream transportation and distribution tCO2e 0 Waste generated in operations tCO2e 1,447 Business travel tCO2e 257 Employee commuting tCO2e 257 Upstream leased assets tCO2e 0 Investments tCO2e 0 Downstream transportation and distribution tCO2e 2,390