Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2022

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2022 29 GOVERNANCE INDICATORS UNIT OF MEASURE FY2022 ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT (i) Committed to assessment of all potential business risks in all business units; enforce full business recovery policy planning with complete procedures and rehearsals to address any potential risk in all operational business units; compliance 100% (ii) The board has oversight of risk management policy that are 100% committed to enforce corruption risk assessment; with complete procedures to address corruption in operations that are assessed to be "high risk"; including confidential or anonymous whistle-blowing mechanism for all staff and suppliers; compliance 100% (iii) Committed to 100% training for all employees on the anti-corruption policy and risk management; including communication and disclosures of anti-corruption policy to all employees covering all possible enterprise risks and data; percentage 100% (iv) Committed to 100% communication for all related suppliers and customers on the anti-corruption policy and potential risk areas; percentage 100% (v) Zero incident of material losses for each period; number of incidents 0 (vi) Zero incident of corruption and bribery for each period; number of incidents 0 (vii) Full disclosure of number of staff disciplined or dismissed due to noncompliance with anti-corruption policy/policies; number 0 (viii) Full disclosure of cost of fines, penalties, or settlements in relation to corruption. currency 0 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (i) Committed compliance to 100% full disclosure of details about all the directors; compliance 100% (ii) Commitment compliance to gender diversity on the board: including women on the Executive committee or equivalent; ratio 20% (iii) Committed to compliance towards a fully non-executive Audit Committee or Audit Board with all independent directors; compliance Yes SUSTAINABILITY REPORT (CONT’D) We ensure and enforce that the Group’s zero tolerance policy towards fraud, corruption and unethical actions are strictly adhered to. Our Group’s policies on anti-bribery and corruption policies and fraud investigation and whistle blower help with our fraud risk management. We conduct fraud and control awareness programme throughout the year to constantly refresh and update our people in this area. Our whistle blower hotlines allow our employees and any external party at any location to report any incident of misconduct without fear of repercussions. In the reporting period of FY2022, we achieved the following: