Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2022

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2022 11 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE (CONT’D) Scrubber system in Plant 2, Taiwan For more details specifically on our environment and climate change efforts, please visit our website at www. for the report titled “Frontken Sustainability Climate Change Report 2023”. SOCIAL — We believe that the S aspect begins within our organisation and that is our employees are to be treated fairly and respectfully. Over the years, we maintain a good health and safety track record, support zero tolerance on all form of forced labour, provide equal opportunities, encourage training and development as well as put in place various policies such as diversity and inclusion, among others. Providing a safe and healthy work environment to our employees are of utmost importance. We undertake various protection measures, accessed risks and impacts in our operations, as well as provide mitigation plans to control any potential hazards. As for COVID-19, although vaccine may significantly reduce the threat of fatality, we will continue to keep ourselves safe and maintain strict requirements in our day to day operations. We believe by promoting good morale and a happy workforce will in turn boost productivity as a whole. In 2022, we recorded an employee retention rate of 98%, achieving 105% of our target goal. Externally, we continued to engage with our suppliers, customers and other stakeholders on ESG. We ensure that we provide our customers with the best services and good selling practices. We implemented the Responsible Supplier Management Policy to ensure our procurement process is done with transparency and fairness. On our “Corporate Social Responsibilities Project”, we continue reaching out to our community and supporting those in need, whether financially or emotionally. For example, we provide internship for students from the local universities, employment opportunities to people with health conditions, impairments and that are physically challenged among others. We believe that by supporting them, targeting their needs on specific issues will help them to rebuild confidence and in turn enable them to become self-sufficient. GOVERNANCE — The Board continues to adopt and apply the principles as set out in the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance. The Board fosters effective stakeholder relationships aligned to the Group’s purpose while maintaining its commitment to ensure that the rights of the shareholders are protected. The Board ensures that it has in place various policies and practices that are consistent with its values and with the longterm sustainable success of the Group. For example, there are established and transparent policies in relation to raising concerns about misconduct and unethical practices through its Whistle Blowing Policy which enables employees to raise matters of concern anonymously. The Corporate Governance (“CG”) Overview Statement is included in pages 48 to 55 of this Annual Report. Further policies and CG reports are also available on our website at