Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2020 93 FRONTKEN CORPORATION BERHAD 200401012517 (651020-T) Notes to the Financial Statements (cont’d) 11. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT COST Foreign As at currency Transfer to As at 1 January translation right-of-use Reclassi- 31 December 2019 differences assets fications Additions Write-offs Disposals 2019 The Group RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Freehold land 20,426,363 132,277 – – – – – 20,558,640 Freehold buildings 61,126,782 471,212 – 968,949 328,545 (459,772) – 62,435,716 Long-term leasehold land 4,718,300 – (4,718,300) – – – – – Long-term leasehold buildings 41,198,361 95,297 – – – – – 41,293,658 Factory and office renovation 28,824,128 93,895 (2,105,293) – 398,275 – – 27,211,005 Plant and machinery 193,748,878 961,913 (589,145) 1,413,293 1,651,976 (43,000) (1,000) 197,142,915 Workshop tools 2,403,351 – – – 48,835 – – 2,452,186 Office equipment 7,889,188 31,277 – – 405,423 (199,069) – 8,126,819 Furniture and fittings 949,920 4,336 – – – – – 954,256 Motor vehicles 8,448,057 42,603 (277,389) 68,936 379,649 – (138,430) 8,523,426 Computers 1,199,007 12,247 – 304,139 67,752 (5,179) – 1,577,966 Capital work-in-progress 850,455 25,134 – (2,755,317) 3,736,121 – – 1,856,393 Total 371,782,790 1,870,191 (7,690,127) – 7,016,576 (707,020) (139,430) 372,132,980