Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2020 62 FRONTKEN CORPORATION BERHAD 200401012517 (651020-T) Non-distributable Distributable Foreign Attributable currency to owners Non- Share Treasury translation Statutory Retained of the controlling Total capital shares reserve reserve earnings Company interests Equity The Group RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Balance at 1 January 2020 118,925,352 (663,237) 29,781,778 13,008,627 215,919,304 376,971,824 21,776,257 398,748,081 Other comprehensive income recognised for the financial year: - defined benefit plan actuarial loss – – – – (68,321) (68,321) (5,890) (74,211) - foreign currency translation differences – – 9,314,299 – – 9,314,299 896,709 10,211,008 Profit after tax for the financial year – – – – 81,967,529 81,967,529 6,350,229 88,317,758 Total comprehensive income for the financial year – – 9,314,299 – 81,899,208 91,213,507 7,241,048 98,454,555 Contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company: - Dividends: - by the Company – – – – (28,295,150) (28,295,150) – (28,295,150) - by subsidiaries to non- controlling interests – – – – – – (1,097,391) (1,097,391) - Transfer to statutory reserve – – – 4,695,675 (4,695,675) – – – - Striking off of subsidiary – – 34,327 – (34,327) – – – - Changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of control – – – – 104,783 104,783 (880,653) (775,870) Balance at 31 December 2020 118,925,352 (663,237) 39,130,404 17,704,302 264,898,143 439,994,964 27,039,261 467,034,225 The accompanying Notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements. Statements of Changes In Equity for the financial year ended 31 December 2020 (cont’d)