Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2020 61 FRONTKEN CORPORATION BERHAD 200401012517 (651020-T) STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY for the financial year ended 31 December 2020 Non-distributable Distributable Foreign Attributable currency to owners Non- Share Treasury translation Statutory Retained of the controlling Total capital shares reserve reserve earnings Company interests Equity The Group RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Balance at 1 January 2019 118,925,352 (663,237) 27,672,528 9,110,850 169,995,037 325,040,530 19,603,901 344,644,431 Initial application of MFRS 16 – – – – (53,139) (53,139) – (53,139) Balance at 1 January 2019 (restated) 118,925,352 (663,237) 27,672,528 9,110,850 169,941,898 324,987,391 19,603,901 344,591,292 Other comprehensive income recognised for the financial year: - defined benefit plan actuarial gain – – – – 11,323 11,323 (6,989) 4,334 - foreign currency translation differences – – 2,109,250 – – 2,109,250 152,223 2,261,473 Profit after tax for the financial year – – – – 69,170,350 69,170,350 5,057,998 74,228,348 Total comprehensive income for the financial year – – 2,109,250 – 69,181,673 71,290,923 5,203,232 76,494,155 Contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company: - Dividends: - by the Company – – – – (18,863,433) (18,863,433) – (18,863,433) - by subsidiaries to non- controlling interests – – – – – – (836,952) (836,952) - Transfer to statutory reserve – – – 3,897,777 (3,897,777) – – – - Changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of control – – – – (443,057) (443,057) (2,193,924) (2,636,981) Balance at 31 December 2019 118,925,352 (663,237) 29,781,778 13,008,627 215,919,304 376,971,824 21,776,257 398,748,081 The accompanying Notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.