Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2020 25 FRONTKEN CORPORATION BERHAD 200401012517 (651020-T) In recognition of the “new normal” in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we implemented diverse working styles as a driver of telecommuting innovation, in order to improve productivity and allow employees to use their abilities to the utmost. In addition, we are also implementing job descriptions, performance management, and other systems to clarify the role of, expectations for, and output of each employee’s position, and accelerate the pivot to job-based human capital management. We see it as our responsibility to provide a safe and injury-free working environment which is set out in our Health, Safety and Environment policy statement. This policy supports the Workplace Safety and Health (“WSH”) regulations in most of the jurisdictions we operate in. We actively promote awareness on workplace occupational health and safety. We aim to elevate the safety standards for our stakeholders through our WSH work plan. We expand our WSH measures such as training and education, fire safety improvements as well as onsite safety inspections. We believe that all workplace injuries are preventable, and our ultimate goal is to achieve zero injuries through continued investment in and focus on our core safety programs and injury reduction initiatives. To raise employees awareness, we institute a WSH mandatory training programme for our operation employees to equip themwith the knowledge (such as understanding safety responsibilities and covering materials needed for specific jobs – electrical safety, ergonomics, control of hazardous materials and chemical safety) so that they may comply with the same in the performance of their assigned roles. We are 100% compliance with all regulatory requirements relevant and applicable to the health and safety performance of our operations and processes. We have a health and safety system to identify and evaluate health and safety hazards and risks on work tasks, work areas, equipment, and operations, and to identify the controls needed to prevent or minimise worker exposure to health and safety risks. We continuously implement regular internal audits and third-party audits to review and qualify our safety system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ESH and Sustainability team developed detailed Health and Safety Protocols for all our sites and operations and to support our employees. For more information, please refer to our COVID-19 Protocol Policy below. In the reporting period of FY2020, we achieved the following: (a) WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY (i) Zero incidents of health and safety fatalities; (ii) We have one incident of ESH-Related notices of violation; (iii) We have a very low health and safety recordable injury rate of 0.04 hour per 100 employees. (b) WORKPLACE COVID-19 PROTOCOL (i) Zero incidents of COVID-19 infection and transmission for the period. Responsible Inclusion and Diversity Our employees are the key assets for the success of our Company due to their daily commitment, team cohesion and their problem solving ideas. We are committed to support their talents, knowledge, experiences and skillsets via continuing training and education process, so that they can develop and grow with the Group. The Group recruits and employs people based on their talents, without regard to their nationality or race, around the world in a fair, open, and just fashion. We strive to groom and retain a diverse and robust talent pool to support and drive our growth through continuous training and development and instilling a strong culture of safety and excellence, whilst encouraging work-life balance. These are implemented through talent development, groom leaders, knowledge training and exchange, health & safety, employee wellness, etc. We employ people based on their talents, without regard to their nationality and race. We offer good terms of compensation above the industry average, leave and benefits that meet employees’ needs, a variety of training courses, and do our utmost to create a safe and healthy work environment. The Group believes that the continuous improvement and learning, development and growth of our employees are our key differentiators to achieve our sustainability, competitive and resilience in our business operation. We continuously promote every opportunities to motivate and engage our employees and train our workforce with the right skillsets and knowledge to prepare them for the future; especially in the new normal environment. We are committed to inspire passion in our people by providing opportunities for strengthening their domain expertise and personal growth. We continue to focus our training and education efforts toward building a knowledgeable future-ready and responsive workforce, in order to remain sustainable and competitive within the dynamic business environment. This includes equipping our employees with essential soft and hard skillsets and domain knowledge, as well as upskilling and re-skilling employees to support our sustainability development and transformation initiatives for our business operation. Sustainability Report (cont’d)