Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2020 24 FRONTKEN CORPORATION BERHAD 200401012517 (651020-T) We continue to enjoy savings from our scrubber overhaul and replacement and energy saving lighting system projects implemented: (a) We implemented the optimisation of energy conservation for our scrubbers; which are our single biggest user of electricity. It is important that our scrubbers operate in the most efficient manner. We achieve this through our scrubber overhaul and replacement programme. (b) We are also exploring the use of energy conservation Performance Enhancement Lighting Management System (PELMS), allowing lighting levels to be automatically managed based on motion detection. (c) We continue to enhance the energy conservation initiative by using energy savings lightings at our offices. (d) We implemented renewable power in our energy mix. In our Taiwan plant, we installed solar photovoltaic systems on the roof of the plant to generate electricity and achieve an average monthly power generation of up to 30,000 kWp, and we accumulatively used 1,021,294 KW of green power since 2018. (e) We implemented the energy conservation transformation of the chiller system, office air conditioning system, dust-collecting and exhaust system and lighting system, including the adoption of frequency conversion technology, the installation of flow monitoring & control system and the replacement of energy saving lightings, and have achieved considerable good results. Consequently, we have saved more than 100,000 kWh of electricity every month since the implementation of this project. In the reporting period of FY2020, we achieved the following: (a) GHG EMISSIONS DATA (i) Scope 1 = 1,332 tCO2e (ii) Scope 2 = 10,188 tCO2e (iii) Scope 3 = 36,789 tCO2e (iv) GHG Emission per unit of revenue dollar in million RM = 3.62 tonnes of CO2e/Revenue in million RM (v) GHG Emission per unit of production = 5.18 kg of CO2e/part (vi) Average electricity use per unit of production = 10.16 kWh/part (vii) Average water usage per unit of production = 0.12 cubic metre/part (viii) Average waste produced per unit of production = 0.4 kg/part (b) WATER CONSERVATION Reduce 14% our water consumption per unit of production. (Water consumption baseline data FY2018 = 0.14 cubic metre/part). (c) WASTE REDUCTION Reduce 11% our waste generated in kg per unit of production. (Waste generated baseline data FY2018 = 0.45 kg part). (d) CHEMICAL MANAGEMENT Increase 24% of environmentally friendly chemical use in kg per unit of production. (Chemical use baseline data FY2019 = 0.99 kg per unit of production). Responsible Workplace The Group implemented COVID-19 Prevention Programs in the workplace which include: conducting a hazard assessment; identifying a combination of measures that limit the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace; adopting measures to ensure that workers that are infected or potentially infected are separated and sent home from the workplace; and implemented protections from retaliation for workers that raised COVID-19 related concerns. Sustainability Report (cont’d)