Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2020 110 FRONTKEN CORPORATION BERHAD 200401012517 (651020-T) Notes to the Financial Statements (cont’d) 16. INVENTORIES The Group 2020 2019 RM RM Raw materials 5,343,741 4,945,032 Work-in-progress 5,849,953 5,001,806 Finished goods 8,782,498 5,154,611 19,976,192 15,101,449 Recognised in profit or loss:- Inventories recognised as cost of sales 21,232,787 26,149,118 Reversal of inventories previously written down (49,095) (6,208) The reversal of write-down was in respect of inventories sold above their carrying amounts during the financial year. 17. TRADE RECEIVABLES, OTHER RECEIVABLES, DEPOSITS AND PREPAID EXPENSES Trade receivables of the Group comprise amounts outstanding for the provision of services and sale of goods. The credit periods granted to the customers range from 30 to 180 days (2019: 30 to 180 days). The Group 2020 2019 RM RM Trade receivables 104,619,193 88,438,785 Allowance for impairment losses (1,481,846) (2,139,074) 103,137,347 86,299,711 Movement in allowance for impairment losses on trade receivables is as follows:- The Group 2020 2019 RM RM At 1 January 2,139,074 2,131,398 Allowance for impairment losses 202,171 – Writeback of allowance for impairment losses – (2,200) Written off as bad debts (903,473) – Exchange difference 44,074 9,876 At 31 December 1,481,846 2,139,074