Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2019

28 Frontken Corporation Berhad (651020-T) ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Corporate Governance Overview Statement (cont’d) PRINCIPLE A – BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (cont’d) III. Remuneration (cont’d) The Board has adopted the said policies as deliberated by the Remuneration Committee to determine the remuneration of Directors and Senior Management, which is aligned with the business strategy and long-term objectives of the Company. The Executive Directors and Senior Management are paid salaries, allowance, performance-based incentive, including bonus, and other customary benefits as appropriate. The remuneration is set based on relevant market relativities, performance, qualifications, experience and geographic location where the personnel is based. The salary level for Executive Directors and Senior Management takes into account the nature of the role, performance of the business and the individual and market positioning. The remuneration of Independent Non-Executive Directors comprises fees and meeting allowances. The Board ensures that the remuneration for Independent Non-Executive Directors do not conflict with their obligation to bring objectivity and independent judgement on matters discussed at Board meetings. The respective Directors are required to abstain from deliberation and voting on their own remuneration at Board Meetings. Pursuant to the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities, the Company is required to disclose the remuneration received by its Directors, on a named basis, for the financial year under review from the Company and the Group, covering fees, salaries, bonuses, benefits-in-kind and others. Full details of such remuneration received by the Directors on a named basis are disclosed under Practice 7.1 of the Corporate Governance Report of the Company which is uploaded on the corporate website at . Meetings of the Board and Board Committees During the financial year under review, the Board convened five (5) meetings whilst the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee held four (4), two (2) and one (1) meetings respectively. The attendance of the members at the said meetings is set out below: Name of Director Board Audit Committee Nomination Committee Remuneration Committee Ng Wai Pin Chairman of Board and Remuneration Committee and Chief Executive Officer 5/5 N/A N/A 1/1 Dr Tay Kiang Meng Executive Director 5/5 N/A N/A N/A Dato’ Haji Johar bin Murat @ Murad Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of Audit Committee and Nomination Committee 5/5 4/4 2/2 1/1 Ng Chee Whye Independent Non-Executive Director (appointed on 31 July 2019) 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 Gerald Chiu Yoong Chian Non-Independent Non-Executive Director (appointed on 31 July 2019) 1/1 1/1 1/1 N/A Aaron Sim Kwee Lein Senior Independent Non-Executive Director (demised on 30 June 2019) 3/3 3/3 1/1 N/A Dr Jorg Helmut Holnloser Independent Non-Executive Director (retired on 30 May 2019) 0/3 0/3 0/1 N/A