Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2019

133 Frontken Corporation Berhad (651020-T) ANNUAL REPORT 2019 32. CASH FLOW INFORMATION (CONT’D) (a) The reconciliations of liabilities arising from financing activities are as follows:- (Cont’d) Bank Hire Purchase Borrowings Payables Total The Group RM RM RM 2018 At 1 January 28,297,207 348,211 28,645,418 Changes in Financing Cash Flows Proceeds from drawdown - 2,400,000 2,400,000 Repayment of borrowing principal (16,712,117) (544,511) (17,256,628) Repayment of borrowing interests (437,162) (76,454) (513,616) Non-cash changes 300,040 76,284 376,324 At 31 December 11,447,968 2,203,530 13,651,498 Amount Owing to Lease Subsidiaries Liabilities Total The Company RM RM RM 2019 At 1 January, as previously reported 8,321,259 - 8,321,259 Effect on adoption of MFRS 16 - 189,912 189,912 Changes in Financing Cash Flows Repayment to subsidiaries (4,851,365) - (4,851,365) Repayment of borrowing principal - (92,640) (92,640) Repayment of borrowing interest - (9,480) (9,480) Non-cash changes (38,569) 9,480 (29,089) At 31 December 3,431,325 97,272 3,528,597 Notes To The Financial Statements (cont’d)