Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2018

26 Frontken Corporation Berhad (651020-T) ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Corporate Governance Overview Statement (cont’d) PRINCIPLE A – BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (CONT’D) I. Board Responsibilities (cont’d) Continuous Professional Development (cont’d) All Directors have completed the Mandatory Accreditation Programme as required by the Listing Requirements of +^[\J -^[RWP ]QN ࠰WJWLRJU bNJ[ ^WMN[ [N_RN` ]QN ][JRWRWP\ J]]NWMNM Kb ]QN -R[NL]X[\ RWLU^MNM K[RN࠰WP\ \NVRWJ[\ workshops and conferences conducted by the relevant regulatory authorities and professional bodies. Details of the training programmes attended/ participated by the Directors are as follows: Directors Training/Seminar/Conference/Workshop Ng Wai Pin ۽ Storytelling Techniques in Investor Relations – MIRA ۽ Malaysia Mini Corp Day 2018 Dr Tay Kiang Meng ۽ Techinnovation Singapore organised by Intellectual Property Intermediary Singapore Dato’ Haji Johar bin Murat @ Murad ۽ Practical Approach and Guidelines For Risk Management and Internal Control Aaron Sim Kwee Lein ۽ Corporate Tax Planning: Capitalising the Right Tax Opportunities for Your Business ۽ Updates on Malaysian Corporate Governance Guidelines 2017 ۽ Risk Management Conference 2018 *\ J] ]QN MJ]N XO ]QR\ <]J]NVNW] ]QN ,XVYJWb QJM bN] ]X [NLNR_N JWbhRWOX[VJ]RXW XW ]QN ][JRWRWP ]QJ]h-[ 3X[P 1NUV^] 1XUWUX\N[ QJ\ J]]NWMNM M^[RWP ]QN ࠰WJWLRJU bNJ[ ^WMN[ [N_RN` II. Board Composition =QN +XJ[M L^[[NW]Ub LXW\R\]\ XO ࠰_N VNVKN[\ LXVY[R\RWP ]`X .aNL^]R_N -R[NL]X[\ JWM ]Q[NN 2WMNYNWMNW] Non-Executive Directors. The Board composition exceeds the recommendation of Practice 4.1 of the MCCG which states that at least half the Board is to comprise Independent Non-Executive Directors as well as Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities, which stipulate that at least two (2) Directors or one-third (1/3) of the Board, whichever is higher, must be independent. The Independent Non-Executive Directors provide the necessary checks and balances in the Board’s exercise of their functions by facilitating an independent evaluation of the Board’s decisions and decision-making process. The Executive Directors are complemented by the experience and independent views of the Independent Non- .aNL^]R_N -R[NL]X[\ `QX J[N Y[XON\\RXWJU\ RW ]QN ࠰NUM XO ࠰WJWLN JLLX^W]RWP JMVRWR\][J]RXW \][J]NPRL VJWJPNVNW] JWM [N\NJ[LQ JWM MN_NUXYVNW] =QN +XJ[M VNVKN[\ YX\\N\\ J OJR[ [JWPN XO K^\RWN\\ ࠰WJWLN JMVRWR\][J]RXW [N\NJ[LQ and development, and legal experience. The mix skills and experience are vital in directing and supervising the Group’s overall business activities in light of the increasing challenging economic and operating environment in which the Group XYN[J]N\ =QN Y[X࠰UN XO NJLQ -R[NL]X[ R\ \N] X^] XW YJPN\ ]X XO ]QN ,XVYJWb۴\ ! *WW^JU ;NYX[] The Nomination Committee (“NC”) is entrusted to assess the adequacy and appropriateness of the Board composition, identifying and recommending suitable candidates for Board membership and also to assess annually the performance of the Directors, succession plans and Board diversity, including gender, age and ethnicity diversity, training courses for Directors and other qualities of the Board, including core-competencies which the Independent Non-Executive Directors should bring to the Board. The Board has the ultimate responsibility of decision making on the appointment. =QR\ Y[XLN\\ NW\^[N\ ]QJ] ]QN +XJ[M VNVKN[\QRY JLL^[J]NUb [N࠱NL]\ ]QN UXWP ]N[V \][J]NPRL MR[NL]RXW JWM WNNM\ XO ]QN Company and determines the skill matrix to support the strategic direction and needs of the Company.