Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2018

21 Frontken Corporation Berhad (651020-T) ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Sustainability Report (cont’d) FY2018 ACHIEVEMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY GOALS I. Responsible Management Frontken views the sustainable development of its management team characters and capabilities as a key part of its LX[YX[J]N \XLRJU [N\YXW\RKRUR]b @N OXL^\ XW ࠰WJWLRJU Y[^MNWLN MR\LRYURWN JWM RW]NP[R]b `R]Q \][XWP [R\T VJWJPNVNW] We are committed to high standards of corporate governance to sustain growth and performance, and to safeguard stakeholders’ interest and maximize long-term shareholder value. II. Responsible Innovation and Service Frontken has long been the trusted technology partner and service provider to the global semiconductor industry. We are a leader in providing next generations of precision cleaning and coating technology to our customers. We help customers quickly enter into production with our precision cleaning and coating capabilities and provide them with competitive advantage in their products and yield performance. In 2018, we led the advanced precision cleaning and coating in the 7/7+nm and 5nm process technology in Taiwan. We also led the most advanced precision cleaning and coating for the next generation memory wafer process in Singapore. In FY2018, our R&D team researched and developed more environmentally friendly methods for our coating and cleaning process, we improved our production Y[XLN\\ ࠱X` JWM Y[XM^L]R_R]b Kb ! JWM [NM^LNM ]QN VJWYX`N[ Kb QX^[\ YN[ TR] JWM VX\] RVYX[]JW]Ub `N replace the dangerous steps and processes that are not conducive to the physical and mental health of employees and the environment. III. Responsible Green Production Frontken Group has continued to improve its green production method to meet the operational challenges that global warming may bring by making progress through innovation. In FY2018, our production capacity has increased while processes continue to grow more complex, but through our efforts, unit production average power usage is 11.91 kWh per part produced; the unit production average water usage is 0.14 cubic meter per part; and unit production average waste produced is 0.00043 ton (0.43kg) per part. We also implemented 268242 KW of green power, directly supporting renewable energy. We continue to adhere to \][RL] `J\]N LUJ\\R࠰LJ]RXW J] ]QN \X^[LN `N QJ_N RW][XM^LNM WN` VN]QXM\ ]X YN[OX[V RW]N[WJU [NLbLURWP XO `J\]N `J]N[ NWJKURWP ]QNV ]X KNLXVN [N^\JKUN [N\X^[LN\ JWM UX`N[RWP [NURJWLN XW X^]\X^[LRWP =X]JU KNWN࠰]\ O[XV `J\]N [NLbLURWP for the full year exceeded 55.907 ton per year. We are committed to complying with or exceeding all relevant regulatory requirements, to prevention of pollution and to continual improvement in the environmental, health and safety performance of its operations, processes and products. IV. Responsible Workplace Frontken group recruits and employs people based on their talents, without regard to their nationality around the world in a fair, open, and just fashion. Frontken strive to groom and retain a diverse and robust talent pool to support and drive our growth through continuous training and development and instilling a strong culture of safety and excellence, whilst encouraging work-life balance. These are implemented through talent development, groom leaders, knowledge training and exchange, health & safety, employee wellness, etc. We employ people based on their talents, without [NPJ[M ]X ]QNR[ WJ]RXWJUR]b @N XOON[ PXXM ]N[V\ XO LXVYNW\J]RXW JKX_N ]QN RWM^\][b J_N[JPN UNJ_N JWM KNWN࠰]\ ]QJ] meet employees’ needs, a variety of training courses, and do our utmost to create a safe and healthy work environment. In FY2018, Frontken employee Retention Rate (%) is 99.18. Frontken contributed or invested more than 10,249 hours to train employees. We have a very low health and safety recordable injury rate of 0.03 hour per 100 Employees.