Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2018

20 Frontken Corporation Berhad (651020-T) ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Sustainability Report We welcome your interest in learning more about our sustainability development at Frontken Group. We are glad to have deepened the Frontken Group’s commitments to various aspects of sustainability development. Our sustainability report covers our accomplishments in financial year 2018 (“FY2018”) during which time we took important steps to expand and implement our sustainability vision, which is key to the long-term sustainable growth, development and profitability of Frontken Group. We have dedicated additional resources to fully leverage and integrate our sustainability initiatives across the company. These initiatives are aimed to recognise opportunities for improvement, build value and preserves business integrity and protects our reputation. At Frontken Group, we build advanced technology to help our customers to develop sustainable products and services that make their critical parts last longer, perform better and look beautiful and recyclable in their critical processes. In short, we research, develop and build advanced technology to support and extend the critical processes for our customers’ businesses. Frontken technology help customers to (a) PROTECT the surfaces of their critical parts used in everyday production; (b) PRESERVE their critical parts materials, so that they last longer in everyday production; (c) PROVIDE for a sustainable future via recycling, repairing, refurbishment and re-coating. We believe in delivering both shareholder and social values for the long-term growth by building excellence corporate governance that will contribute positively to the society and the environment. We have spent considerable time and resources in shifting the business models of our businesses towards becoming more sustainable. We have also focused on identifying new opportunities, as evidenced by our investments in for example the upgrading and expansion of our Taiwan plant, that have become the leader in terms of semiconductor support technology as well as in sustainability. The Frontken Board and Management, through our internal and external stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment of our business, had earlier identified key trends and topics that are critical to the continued success of our business, such as reducing emissions to environmental, reducing energy use and waste and improving safety and productivity, creating an inclusive social platform and good corporate governance, business continuity plan, etc. We have always and constantly reviewed such risks as important opportunities to strengthen our risk management, and create long-term value and sustainable growth for our group. The assessing and improving of our operational sustainability have been integrated as part of the Frontken Group’s strategic formulation. The Board will continue to provide oversight with the support of the Sustainability Management Committee and Risk Management Committee where these materials environmental, social and governance, etc are reviewed and implemented. In FY2018, Frontken Group continue to strengthen and focus on the five “Core Areas for Action on Sustainability’’, these five dimensions of sustainability development are (a) responsible management; (b) responsible innovation and service; (c) responsible green production; (d) responsible workplace; and (e) inclusive society and communities. Based on the material issues we have identified, we have laid out a set of strategies and long-term goals in this report as our “Frontken 2025 Vision”. In the long term vision, we aim to benchmark our sustainability development with the GRI Framework and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by continuing to make efforts in the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of our business, and make a contribution towards resolving environmental and social issues. Some of our highlights of our achievements are summarised as follows, with more details within our second Frontken Group Sustainability Report FY2018, which the Group measure and report its sustainability performance. Messages from Sustainability Committee “Frontken Group has been in the business for more than 20 years, using advanced innovative technology to develop sustainable products and services that make critical parts last longer, perform better and look beautiful and recyclable over numerous critical production processes in many domain industries.”