Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2018

137 Frontken Corporation Berhad (651020-T) ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Issued and Paid-up Share Capital # ;6 ! " LXVY[R\RWP X[MRWJ[b \QJ[N\ Class of shares # Ordinary shares Voting rights # One vote per share DISTRIBUTION OF SHAREHOLDINGS AS AT 29 MARCH 2019 Size of holdings No. of shareholders % of shareholders *No. of shares *% of issued capital Less than 100 "" ! ~ ۮ " ~ ۮ " ! ۮ ! ! " " ]X UN\\ ]QJW XO R\\^NM \QJ[N\ " " ! JWM JKX_N XO R\\^NM \QJ[N\ " Total ! " ! Notes: ~ Negligible .aLU^MRWP \QJ[N\ QNUM J\ ][NJ\^[b \QJ[N\ J\ J] " 6J[LQ " Distribution of shareholdings based on Record of Depositors DIRECTORS’ SHAREHOLDINGS AS AT 29 MARCH 2019 The shareholdings of the directors of the Company and the number of shares held by them as recorded in the Register of -R[NL]X[ <QJ[NQXUMRWP\ J] ]QN MJ]N XO ]QR\ \]J]NVNW] J[N J\ OXUUX`\# No. Name Direct Indirect No. of shares *% No. of shares *% Ng Wai Pin " " " "" ! -[ =Jb 4RJWP 6NWP " ! ! " - - Dato’ Haji Johar Bin Murat @ Murad - - - - *J[XW <RV 4`NN 5NRW - - - - Dr Jorg Helmut Hohnloser - - - - Note: .aLU^MRWP \QJ[N\ QNUM J\ ][NJ\^[b \QJ[N\ J\ J] " 6J[LQ " SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS AS AT 29 MARCH 2019 No. Name Direct Indirect No. of shares *% No. of shares % Dazzle Clean Ltd " "" ! - - 8XR 4NWP =QbN " - - Note: .aLU^MRWP \QJ[N\ QNUM J\ ][NJ\^[b \QJ[N\ J\ J] " 6J[LQ " Substantial shareholders based on Register of Substantial Shareholders Shareholding Statistics AS AT 29 MARCH 2019