Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2017

104 Frontken Corporation Berhad (651020-T) ANNUAL REPORT 2017 24. TRADE PAYABLES, OTHER PAYABLES AND ACCRUED EXPENSES (CONT’D) (a) Defined benefit plan – Taiwan (Cont’d) Movement in the present value of defined benefit obligations: The Group 2017 2016 RM RM At 1 January 8,285,454 7,118,330 Current service costs and interest 136,062 130,378 Actuarial losses in other comprehensive income 173,425 511,644 Defined plan payable (437,803) - Exchange difference (134,403) 525,102 At 31 December 8,022,735 8,285,454 Movement in the fair value of plan assets: The Group 2017 2016 RM RM At 1 January 5,835,050 5,258,185 Expected return on plan assets 90,349 91,644 Actuarial losses in other comprehensive income (32,882) (52,864) Contribution paid into the plan 191,751 173,265 Defined plan payable (437,803) - Exchange difference (91,475) 364,820 At 31 December 5,554,990 5,835,050 Expenses recognised in profit or loss: The Group 2017 2016 RM RM Current service costs and interests 136,062 130,378 Expected return on plan assets (90,349) (91,644) Net benefit expense 45,713 38,734 Actuarial gains and losses recognised directly in other comprehensive income: The Group 2017 2016 RM RM Actuarial losses recognised during the year (171,235) (468,542) Notes To The Financial Statements (cont’d)