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With a wavering global economy and unsettling commodity price

trends, like many others in the market, Frontken was not immune to

such market conditions. The dramatic decline in oil prices from an

oversupplied market has affected the entire chain of the oil and gas

industry. It is believed that the unfavourable market effects of 2015

will continue to ripple through to 2016.

In response to such adverse market conditions, the management of

Frontken took the necessary steps in restructuring and streamlining

its resources to ensure that it is maximizing operation capacities

and profits. For example in Singapore, having experienced a

slower performance for two years running, resources were heavily

streamlined and business strategies revised. During 2015 Frontken

Singapore pursued various discussions with foreign companies in

establishing a business base in Singapore tapping on its strategic

regional location and expertise it is able to offer its potential partners.

This has in turn developed a wider client base and international

brand recognition for the Group. We hope to turn some of these

possibilities into realities in the very near future.

Although it is true that for the foreseeable future we will likely continue

to see lower commodity price trends particularly in the oil and gas

industry, we are cautiously optimistic that we will be able to maintain

our market share in our maintenance and repair business sectors

albeit at a lower margin in line with our customers’ expectation. To

make up for the lower margin, we need to increase our efficiency

and explore cost savings measures.


Over the recent years Frontken has been strategising and building

a solid platform to maintain a stable momentum for both its

operational and financial growth. I believe that establishing a good

fiscal discipline and strong financial position is imperative to maintain

long term and sustainable growth. Since 2012, Frontken have been

steadily building a solid cash position for the Group with a zero net

gearing ratio and a cash and cash equivalent of RM105.1 million as

at 31 December 2015. Armed with a strong financial position gives

us leverage to capitalise on project and investment opportunities.

With this in mind, we will continue to look out for mergers and

acquisitions to boost our bottom line.


Despite the headwinds for FYE2015 Frontken

managed to deliver a profitable year with a revenue

of RM280.6 million and earnings before interest, tax

and amortization of RM35.6 million. Acknowledging

that our financial profits for FYE2015 was lower

compared to FYE2014; it is to be noted that this

was mainly due to an unfortunate cost overrun in

our ATB Project at Tanjung Bin that was completed

in July 2015. ATB Project was Frontken’s first

Engineering, Procurement, Construction and

Commissioning (“EPCC”) contract of this size. We

encountered some challenges during the execution

of the project and stretched ourselves in ensuring

on delivering the completed tankage facilities to

our client and at the same time ensuring that our

high standard of quality was not compromised. We

believe that undertaking this project has provided us

with an opportunity to further expand and advance

on our technical expertise and resources in EPCC

projects should we decide to pursue this area of our




Dear Fellow Shareholders,

On behalf of the Board of Directors

of Frontken Corporation Berhad

(“Frontken” or the “Group”), I

am pleased to present to you

the Annual Report and Audited

Financial Statements of the Group

for the financial year ended 31

December 2015 (“FYE2015”).